Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Course Note 7

Course 7 : Minimum spanning tree problem Author: OptimizationCity Group Introduction So far, we have studied the problem of linear programming in general. In this section, we will examine specific types of linear programming problems. In this section, we first examined the general model of minimum cost flow, and then we will examine the specific […]

Shortest Path Problem Course Note 6

Course 6 : Shortest path problem Author: OptimizationCity Group Introduction So far, we have studied the problem of linear programming in general. In this section, we will examine specific types of linear programming problems. In this section, we first examined the general model of minimum cost flow, and then we will examine the specific model […]

Transportation Problem Course Note 5

Course 5 : Transportation Problem Author: OptimizationCity Group Introduction So far, we have studied the problem of linear programming in general. In this section, we will examine specific types of linear programming problems. In this section, we first examined the general model of minimum cost flow, and then we will examine the specific model of […]

Parametric linear programming Course Note 4

Course 4 : Parametric linear programming Author: OptimizationCity Group Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis is a procedure that is implemented after obtaining the optimal solution. Sensitivity analysis determines the sensitivity of the optimal solution against certain changes in the original model. As mentioned before, one of the assumptions of linear programming is that the parameters of […]

Duality Theory and Dual Simplex Method Course Note 3

Course 3 : Duality Theory and Dual Simplex Method Author: OptimizationCity Group Introduction One of the most important discoveries in the early development of linear programming was the concept of duality and its many important specification. This discovery revealed that every linear programming problem has associated with it another linear programming problem called the dual. […]

Primal Simplex Method Course Note 2

Course 2 : Primal simplex method Author: OptimizationCity Group Introduction The initial simplex method is a systematic repeated procedure until it finally reaches the desired or optimal solution. The set of steps that is repeated each time in such a process is called an iteration. Basics of the primal simplex method In an algebraic method, […]