Review of the book
In this book, an attempt has been made to prepare a book that is simple in expression, practical and suitable for all types of audiences. This book is used for graduate or final year undergraduate education in industrial engineering, operations research, management science, computer science, and mathematical programming. Be taught as a useful course for other disciplines such as operations management, supply chain management, logistics management, and transportation engineering. This book can be used as a reference for those who seek to solve real-scale optimization problems.
This book is prepared in three parts. In the first part (including chapters 1 to 6), the successful applications of integer programming, the modeling process, the types of integer programming models, the process of creating a suitable formulation, and an introduction regarding combinatorial optimization are described. In the second part (including chapters 7 to 10), the geometric concept and methods of solving linear and network programming problems, which are needed for hybrid programming, are discussed. In the third part (chapters 11 to 15), solutions for integer programming including classical branch and bound method, branch and cut method, branch and cost method, finder method and Lagrange release method are discussed.
Table of Contents
The topics discussed in this book are as follows:
Introduction to integer programming
Modeling and types of models
Converting models to models with zero and one variables
Rewriting models to create a better model
Hybrid optimization modeling
Linear programming and its principles
Linear programming from a geometric point of view
Linear programming and its solution methods
Optimizing the network and presenting its solution method
Classical approaches to solving integer models
branch and cut method
branch and price method
Finding the optimal solution with the help of heuristics, relaxation method and partitioning
Providing a solution using software
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