Review of the book
The books written in these publications are simple in expression, which makes it possible for people who do not have sufficient command of English to use these books. You don’t need any programming knowledge to use this book, and all your needs will be met by reading this book.
Table of Contents
The contents of this book are as follows:
1- What is VBA?
2- Working with the Visual Basic editor
3- An introduction to the object-oriented model of Excel
4- VBA function and procedure in Excel
5- Macro recording in Excel
6- The main programming elements in VBA
7- Changing sheets using VBA
8- Events and functions
9- Troubleshooting techniques
10- Examples of programming with VBA in Excel
11- Simple dialog boxes
12- Principles of Windows forms
13- Using Windows controls
14- Macro access in Interface
15- Making Add-ins
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